

Expertise at Backend Dev


Welcome to my portfolio. I specialize in Laravel application development, bringing robust and scalable solutions to life. With a strong focus on quality and innovation, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional results in every project.

Backend Developer & Laravel Specialist.

I am a skilled Backend Developer and Laravel specialist, dedicated to building efficient and scalable web applications. My focus is on creating robust backend solutions that power seamless user experiences.

Birthday : Apr, 2000
Age : 24
Phone : +8801817-240585
Address : Maijdee 3800, Noakhali, Bangladesh
Website : http://dreamersdesire.xyz
Specialty : Laravel & Backend Development
Email : jsjahidmini@gmail.com
Availability : Yes

As a Laravel and backend developer, I specialize in crafting robust web applications. I thrive on challenges and am dedicated to delivering efficient and scalable solutions. With a passion for coding and problem-solving, I ensure that every project meets high standards of performance and reliability.



Hours Of Support

Portfolio Views


My skills enable me to tackle complex challenges with efficiency and creativity, ensuring robust solutions and reliable performance.

Laravel 85%
PHP 90%
MySQL 85%
JavaScript 80%
Version Control (Git) 75%
RESTful APIs 80%
Backend Architecture 90%


Welcome to my resume section, where you can explore a concise summary of my background, education, and professional experiences. This resume provides insights into my skills and expertise as a web developer, along with a comprehensive overview of my educational qualifications.


Jahidul Islam

Web Designer and Developer specializing in Laravel and Backend Development. Over 3 years of experience with PHP, Laravel, MySQL, JavaScript, and RESTful APIs, creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications.

  • Maijdee, Noakhali Sadar, Noakhali
  • (+880) 1817-240585
  • jsjahidmini@gmail.com


B.Sc in Physics (Honors)

2020-21 Session

National University, Bangladesh

My B.Sc. Honors degree in Physics from National University Bangladesh enhances my analytical thinking and deepens my understanding of scientific principles.

Intermediate (HSC)

2018 - 2020

Noakhali Government College, Noakhali, Bangladesh

My completion of intermediate (HSC) education at Noakhali Government College has laid a solid foundation for my academic journey. This milestone equipped me with diverse knowledge and skills, pivotal in my subsequent achievements in web design and development.

Professional Experience

Freelance Web Developer (Laravel Specialist)

2018 - Present

Backend Develoment (Laravel)

  • Developed dynamic websites using Laravel framework, specializing in ecommerce, educational consultancy, hospital management systems, school management systems, and community projects.
  • Collaborated closely with clients to deliver high-quality web solutions that precisely meet project requirements, timelines, and budget constraints.
  • Oversaw the entire project lifecycle from initial concept through to implementation, ensuring exceptional graphic design and optimal user experience.
  • Managed project budgets effectively, optimizing resource allocation for a wide range of projects, from small-scale initiatives to complex solutions.

Web Development Specialist

2018 - Present

Freelance Web Developer, BD

  • Specialized in creating visually appealing, user-centric websites for ecommerce, educational consultancy, hospital management systems, school management systems, and community projects.
  • Managed entire lifecycle of web development projects from initial design to deployment and maintenance, ensuring exceptional graphic design and user experience.


Explore some of my featured projects below, showcasing a blend of creativity, functionality, and innovation. Each project reflects my commitment to delivering robust solutions that meet client needs and exceed expectations.

  • All
  • E-Commerce
  • Landing
  • Laravel
Medisync Plus

Medisync Plus

Transform your healthcare practice with MediSync P...


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Ecommerce Solution

Custom Laravel solutions for ecommerce platforms, ensuring robust functionality and seamless user experience.

Educational Platforms

Laravel-based solutions for educational consultancy platforms, providing intuitive user interfaces and efficient management tools.

Hospital Management Systems

Laravel solutions tailored for hospital management systems, ensuring efficient workflow automation and patient care management.

Community Projects

Development of community-focused projects using Laravel, enhancing user engagement and scalability.

API Development

Expertise in developing robust APIs using Laravel, facilitating seamless integration and data exchange across platforms.

Support and Maintenance

Offering ongoing support and maintenance services for Laravel applications, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.


Read what my clients have to say about us. Their satisfaction is my first priority.



CEO & Founder

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Chief Operating Officer

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Chief Technology Officer

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Marketing Director

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Sales Manager

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Contact Us

Get in touch with us. I'm here to help you with any questions or inquiries.


Maijdee 3800, Noakhali Sadar, Noakhali, Bangladesh





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